Olduvai Gorge is located in the Great Rift Valley in Tanzania. The site, or rather this group of sites, contains at least two million years of our history.
About Olduvai Gorge
Located in the Great Rift Valley of Tanzania, Olduvai Gorge is renowned as an important archeological site due to its many discoveries. In the mid-1950s, this site as well as neighboring areas was unearthed by Louis and Mary Leakey who found evidence almost two million years of occupation. These sites measure nine miles long and 350 feet deep to show influential findings from prehistoric human history.
Among these sites, one can find stone workings of huts, butcheries, home bases and storage hoards. A stone hut aged 1.8 million years old is in evidence nearby. In prehistoric days, this area consisted of a stream and lake where natural stone working occupations would be close.